Twitter Chat – #ISTETEN

I am not well versed in Twitter. I have had an account for a few years now, and use it very sporadically.  My personal thoughts about Twitter is it’s too fast. My husband is constantly on it (both professionally and personally) and has the little ticker going on his computer while he works. That thing is constantly binging and scrolling, I have no idea how he can keep track of what’s going on. The more followers you have, the more bings you have. How can anyone keep up? I got an email from ISTE about an upcoming Twitter chat (I didn’t even know this was a thing) and decided I would give it a try.

I looked into #ISTETEN and found out that the chat explores 10 questions to educators about various topics. Participants have a couple minutes to respond, and comment on other people’s Tweets. The topic on Monday is Student Voices and Future Visions